• Always, check and see if you have received the correct form of medication. Medications can be given through the MiniONE® Balloon Button in liquid form. If a prescribed medication is only available as a tablet or capsule, check with a pharmacist or doctor to see if it is safe to crush the medicine. If safe, medication should be crushed as fine as possible (into powder form) and dissolved into water before administering through the device.
  • WARNING: NEVER crush enteric coated medications and NEVER mix medications with feeding formula, unless directed by your physician.
  • Medications should be given through the med-port of your y-port extension set (if you are unsure which port is the med-port, please note that the med-port is smaller than the feed port and labeled as “MED”). Flush with water after giving medications (5-10 ml for children, 10-20 ml for adults, or with an amount recommended by your healthcare provider).
  • To more easily administer medications, AMT offers a 2” bolus medication set with straight connector (order# 8-0211) as well as a 2” y-port medication set with straight connector (order# 8-0212).
  • Medicine may also be given into the MiniONE®’s Glow Green™ interlock using the slip tip syringe that comes in the G-Tube kit.
    • Mix the medicine with a little water and drawback the mixture into the slip tip syringe (only do this if your doctor/pharmacist has told you it is safe to water down the medicine).
    • Put the syringe right into the MiniONE® Glow Green™ interlock (feeding port).
    • When you are done giving the medication, flush the port water (5-10 ml for children, 10-20ml for adults, or amount recommended by your healthcare provider).