• Be sure to check out the Quick Care™ section for all of our great educational videos about the MiniONE®.
  • Feed in an upright position and remain upright for at least 30 minutes after feeding is complete.
  • WARNING: This device has the potential to misconnect with small bore connectors of other healthcare applications. Only use this device to connect to compatible enteral devices. Do not use for non-enteral applications.
  1. Gather the following supplies: Formula, feeding bag, feed set, irrigating syringe, enteral feeding pump, water for flushing the tube, and a place to hang/mount your feeding bag (such as an IV pole). The equipment that you need will vary depending on the feeding method prescribed by your health care provider. For example, when delivering food with an enteral feeding pump, you may want to mount your pump on an IV pole or carry your pump in a back-pack.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and water. Rinse and dry them well.
  3. Shake the formula and wipe the top of the container with a clean, damp towel before opening. If you do not use all of the formula, cover the open container, record the date and time, and store it in the refrigerator. Throw away formula that is more than 24 hours old. Do not mix new formula with old formula. There is always a chance it will spoil.
  4. Prime the tubing: Attach the feeding bag tubing to the feed set and clamp one or both tubes. Pour the prescribed amount of formula into the feeding bag, carefully squeeze the air out of the bag and close it. To prime the tubing, you can either: 1. unclamp the tubing and allow the formula/liquid to flow through to the end of the tubing or 2. attach the feeding bag tubing to the feeding pump and follow the manufacturer’s directions. Be sure to close the pinch clamp when priming is complete. If you chose to prime the tubing using Option 1, you will need to attach the feeding bag tubing to the feeding pump at this time. Priming the feeding sets removes air from the tubing and prevents it from being pumped into the stomach.
  5. Once the feeding bag tubing/feed set is primed, connect the AMT feed set to the Glow Green™ port on the MiniONE®. To connect the feed set to the button, line up the black line on the feed set connector with the black line on the button feeding port. Press the feed set connector into the button. Turn 3/4 to the right (clockwise) to lock the feeding set in place.
    • WARNING: Only tighten feed sets by hand. Never use excessive force or a tool to tighten a connector that twists. Twisting too hard can lead to cracking, leaking, or other problems.
    • WARNING: Be sure the feed set is connected to the MiniONE® only and NOT to an IV set.
    • WARNING: If the feed set is not properly put into the MiniONE® and locked into place, there might be leaking from the tube. When twisting the connector into place, hold the MiniONE® Button firmly so the button does not twist around. Never put the feed set connector into a Balloon Fill Port; this may cause the internal balloon to lose the water and deflate. Refer to MiniONE® Directions for Use for additional information.
  6. To begin feeding: Be sure the feeding bag is mounted in a safe location (such as on an IV pole). Follow the manufacturer’s directions to set the pump rate, unclamp the feed/feeding set, and then begin feeding. Be sure to place your feeding pump in a location that is easy for you to access and allows for proper delivery of the enteral nutrition. Food/nutrition should be administered as prescribed by your healthcare team.
    • There are several different ways in which food can be delivered using an enteral feeding pump. Two common methods are continuous feeding (consistent delivery of nutrition over a 24-hour period) and intermittent feeding (nutrition is delivered every 4-6 hours).
    • You can adjust the settings on your enteral feeding pump to accommodate the feeding schedule your healthcare team has prescribed.
    • While feeding, you can secure the feed set to the belly with an AMT CINCH®. This will help keep the feed set in place and prevent too much movement or tension around the stoma site.
  7. When feeding is complete, clamp off all extension tubing. Disconnect the feed set from the feeding bag tubing. Do not disconnect the feed set from your MiniONE®.
  8. With the feed set still attached to the MiniONE®, use a syringe to flush water through the feed set and the device (5-10 ml for children, 10-20ml for adults, or amount recommended by your healthcare provider). Close the clamp on the feed set (to prevent leaking) and disconnect the feed set from the MiniONE®. To remove the feed set, hold the button in place and twist the feeding connector a 3/4 turn to the left (counterclockwise) until the black line on the feed set is lined up with the black line on the button. When the black markers are aligned, gently remove the feed set from the button. Be sure to close the safety strap to keep the inside of the button clean.
  9. The feed set should be washed with soap and water and rinsed well. Hang the feed set so that both ends are down; for example, over the side of a dish rack. Once the feed set is completely dry, you can store it in a clean, air-tight container. Never use a dishwasher for cleaning the feeding set.