• Although the MiniONE® is designed to reduce the risk of a pull out, the device may accidentally be dislodged (pulled out) from the stoma.
  • If your healthcare provider has taught you how to put the G-Tube back into the stoma, you can re-insert the MiniONE® right away. If you are not able to re-insert the MiniONE®, call your healthcare provider because the stoma may begin to close within the first hour that the G-Tube is out.
  • ALWAYS have a stoma plug or a spare G-Tube available in case the balloon on the MiniONE® breaks. Your back-up device should match the same size/length as your current MiniONE® device. By inserting your spare stoma plug/G-Tube into the stoma, you will help to keep the stoma tract from closing. Follow the Directions for Use and your healthcare provider training to properly place the G-Tube in the stoma.
    • Inserting a device that is too long or too short into your stoma site is not recommended.