There are many reasons why the MiniONE® might leak. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Low Water Level in the Balloon. Make sure the balloon is filled with the right amount of water (resistance should be felt when gently pulling on the tube.)
    • NOTE: The recommended amount of water for the balloon is printed on top of the fill valve. If you have questions, contact your healthcare provider.
  • Incorrectly Sized Device. If the MiniONE® feels too tight or too loose, make sure that the French size and stoma length match what is prescribed by your healthcare provider. If the wrong device is in place, contact your provider. Refer to the FAQ, “The MiniONE® Button feels loose/tight against the skin; what should I do?” for more information.
    It is important to have your stoma site re-measured on a regular basis, especially if you are still growing or have lost/gained weight recently. Changes to your body may impact the size of the device you need. If you are not experiencing changes to your body, the stoma site should still be measured every 6-12 months for optimal device performance.
  • Newly Placed G-Tubes. For new placements, it may take time for the stoma tract to naturally heal and firm up around the tube and the balloon. If leakage continues, contact your healthcare provider.
  • Stomach Residuals and/or Gas. Your healthcare provider may recommend decompressing or “venting” the stomach (letting the air or liquid out) before or after feeding to help reduce pressure inside the stomach. Too much pressure in the stomach can lead to bloating and discomfort. Decompression can be performed if there is a need to check for residuals (the gastric fluid and formula left within the stomach between feeds), or if you/your patient tends to hold air in the stomach during feeding. Refer to the FAQ, “How do I decompress/vent the MiniONE®?” for more information.