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Research Publications



Gunn SR, Early BJ, Zenati MS, Ochoa JB.  Use of a Nasal Bridle Prevents Accidental Nasoenteral Feeding Tube Removal. JPEN J of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 2009; 33(1):50-54
Seder CW, Janczy R. The Routine Bridling of Nasojejunal Tubes is Safe and Effective Method of Reducing Dislodgement in the Intensive Care Unit. NCP Nutrition in Clinical Practice. 2008-2009:23(6) 651-654
Seder CW, Stockdale W. Nasal bridling decreases feeding tube dislodgement and may increase caloric intake in the surgical intensive care unit: A randomized, controlled trial. CCM Critical Care Medicine. 2010: 38(3) 797-801
Popvich, Marc J. MD, FCCM, Surgical Intensive Care Unit/Anesthesiology Institute, Cleveland Clinic. EDITORIAL – The Bridle: Path to improved enteral nutrition efficiency CCM Critical Care Medicine 2010: 38(3) 984-985
Gurram, Krishna C. MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Fellow, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Nasal Bridle: Married to Your Tube. Practical Gastroenterology January 2011: 91 27-34
Popvich, Marc J. MD, Lockrem, John D. MD, Zivot, Joel B. MD. Nasal bridle revisited: An improvement in the technique to prevent unintentional removal of small-bore nasoenteric feeding tubes. Crit Care Med 1996; 24(3) 429-431
Siobhán, P, et al., The nasal bridle: A useful approach to prevent the dislodgement of feeding tubes, e-SPEN, the Europen e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (2010), doi:10.1016/j.eclnm.2009.12.003
McGinnis, C., MS, RN, CNS, CNSN, Sanford USD Medicla Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The Feeding Tube Bridle: One Inexpensive, Safe, and Effective Method to Prevent Inadvertent Feeding Tube Dislodgement. NCP Nutrition in Clinical Practice. 2011:26(1) 70-77
Bechtold, Matthew L., MD, et al., Nasal Bridles for Securing Nasenteric Tubes: A Meta-Analysis. NCP Nutrition in Clinical Practice. 2014:29(5) 667-671
  • “The use of nasal bridles to secure nasoenteric tubes resulted in fewer tube dislodgements than traditional use of adhesive tape alone.”