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Brody’s MiniONE® and MiniACE®

“When your child has not one but two tubes… you want to make sure they have the absolute best and AMT is the best!”

Brody’s Mom

We are so grateful for AMT. Having a child with any kind of special or medical need comes with its unique set of qualities and challenges you have to overcome and there is knowledge you must obtain along the way. Brody is non-verbal with an unknown Neuromuscular disorder that affects many parts of his day to day life. He was 5 years old when we learned he needed a feeding tube. It was scary and we had no clue about anything related to tubes! We are the parents that research everything when it comes to Brody! So we researched, compared, talked to medical professionals, picked the brains of parents to children with feeding tubes, and learned AMT was the company that was raved about!

The reviews for the AMT MiniONE® far exceeded those of other companies. When it came time for Brody’s surgery we specifically made sure to request an AMT button! Fast forward a few years, Brody’s gastrointestinal complications became more serious and we learned he needed a cecostomy placed. Our first question was… “Can we have the same kind of tube as his feeding tube?!” We were so relieved when we were told “Yes!”  Brody is now 9 years old and currently has 2 AMT tubes. One is in his cecum as a cecostomy tube (AMT’s MiniACE®) for bowel flushes and the other in his stomach (AMT’s MiniONE®) for a feeding tube. We have never had an issue with either!

The AMT tubes never get stuck when trying to open and Brody can open and close the feed/flush port himself! They glow in the dark for easy access during night feeds or trying to give medications in the middle of the night! I also have to say the AMT extensions, both the bolus and Y port are way better than other brands. While other products may say “interchangeable” with the AMT products, I much prefer the AMT extensions!! I really could go on and on about how much we love AMT! When your child has not one but two tubes… you want to make sure they have the absolute best and AMT is the best!

We are so thankful for AMT, so Brody can not only get the calories and nutrition he needs, but also the flushes his colon needs so he can have Bowel movements. ????

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